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Slidebeast Google Analytics 4 Slide List

Access Slidebeast's assortment of Google Analytics 4 slides to effortlessly present and comprehend your data insights.

Gulce Gumrukcu avatar
Written by Gulce Gumrukcu
Updated over a week ago

Here is the full list of Slidebeast Google Analytics 4 List of Slides below:



Report Index

What is awaiting you at the upcoming slides

Quick Healthcheck

Let’s see your vitals before we get started

Key Indicators

How you performed on your key indicators


Take a look at your audience and their behavior


Discover the top interests of your users, based on engagement and conversions.


Your best-performing traffic channels


How many users visited your website


How many times users have interacted with your website and how long on average

Engagement Rate & Sessions

Overview of how user sessions translate into engaged sessions with detailed engagement rates.


A snapshot of how many times users have viewed your website’s pages or app screens.

Content Groups

Track which content group performed best, including views, engagement, and conversions.

Top Viewed Pages & Screens

Highlights the most visited pages, along with traffic source and device breakdown.

E-commerce Overview

How your e-commerce business performed this period

Transactions & Revenue

Daily performance of your transactions and revenue


Insight into the performance of your total purchasers, average purchase revenue, and trends.

Sales Conversions

Daily performance of your visits that converted to sales

Item Performance

Analysis of top-selling items, including revenue, purchases, and conversion rates.

Item Category Performance

Performance of different product categories, including total revenue and session conversion rates.

Brand Performance

See how various brands performed in terms of user engagement and revenue generation.

Sales Performance

A look at your top transactions

User Purchase Journey Analysis

Funnel analysis of user steps from viewing products to completing purchases.

User Purchase Journey by Device Category

Explore how device categories affect the purchase journey, with insights into user drop-offs.

User Purchase Journey by Device Browser

Breakdown of purchase journey performance based on the browsers users are on.

User Purchase Journey by Country

See how users from different countries navigate through the purchase journey and where drop-offs occur.


Review how promotional campaigns contribute to cart additions and checkouts.

Overview of Default Channels

How your traffic channels performed this period

Top Channels

Channel performance according to vital metrics

Acquisition Table

Best performing channels across all metrics

Top Sources/Medium

Top traffic Sources and their Mediums' performance

Top Landing Pages

A Landing Page serves as an entry point to a website. Check out where your users landed to most and how they continued through the website

Organic Traffic Quality

A deeper look at your Organic Traffic performance

Organic Landing Pages

Top landing pages visited by users that are coming from Organic search

Direct Traffic Quality

A deeper look at your Direct Traffic performance

Direct Traffic Landing Pages

Top landing pages visited by users that are coming directly

Cross Network Traffic Quality

Understand the quality of traffic coming from various network channels and their engagement rates.

Cross Network Landing Pages

Track the most visited landing pages for users arriving via cross-network channels.

Paid Traffic Quality

A deeper look at your Paid Traffic performance

Paid Landing Pages

Top landing pages visited by users that are coming from Paid Search

Paid Queries

Paid query results that lead to site visits by users that are coming from Paid search

Organic Social Media Traffic Quality

Analyze the quality of organic traffic from social media platforms, focusing on engagement and conversions.

Organic Social Media Landing Pages

See the top landing pages for organic social media visitors and how they performed.

Paid Social Media Traffic Quality

Overview of paid social media traffic performance, including engagement and conversion metrics.

Paid Social Media Landing Pages

Track the top landing pages for users arriving through paid social media ads.

E-mail Traffic Quality

A deeper look at your E-mail Traffic performance

E-mail Traffic Landing Pages

Top landing pages visited by users that are coming from an e-mail

Affiliates Traffic Quality

Insights into traffic quality from affiliate marketing sources, including engagement and conversion rates.

Affiliates Traffic Landing Pages

Discover the most visited landing pages for affiliate traffic sources.

Referral Traffic Quality

A deeper look at your Referral Traffic performance

Referral Traffic Landing Pages

Top landing pages visited by users that are coming from a referral source

Video Traffic Quality

Analyze how video-based traffic impacts engagement and conversions on your site.

Video Traffic Landing Page

Overview of top landing pages for users coming from video sources.

Display Traffic Quality

A deeper look at your Display Media performance

Display Traffic Landing Pages

Top landing pages visited by users that are coming from a Display ad

Google Ads Overview

How your Google Ads performed this period

Ads Audience

Take a look at your Ads audience and their behavior

Top Ads Campaigns

Your top campaigns according to different key indicators

Google Ads Campaigns

Track the performance of your Google Ads campaigns, including engagement and conversions.

Google Ads Campaigns Type

Breakdown of your campaign types and how they performed across various metrics.

Paid Keywords

Paid keyword results that lead to site visits by users that are coming from Paid search

Google Ads Ad Network Type

Analyze the effectiveness of different Google Ads networks in driving engagement.

Google Ads Queries

Insights into the top search queries driving traffic via Google Ads campaigns.

Technology Overview

Users entered your website from devices such as a mobile phone or a tablet. See how those devices performed

Platform / Device Category

Top-performing device categories

Device Conversions

Daily performance of your mobile and desktop device conversion rate

Mobile Conversions Top 10 URLs

Your top-performing landing pages accessed from a mobile device

Desktop Conversion. Top 10 URLs

Your top-performing landing pages accessed from a laptop or a desktop

Browser Report

Your top-performing browsers and the ones that need a little bit more testing

Site Content Overview

A summary of how users interacted with your site’s content, including top pages and traffic sources.

Most Visited Pages Top 10

Your most visited pages

Most Visited Pages from Desktop Top 10

Your most visited pages from a laptop or a desktop

Most Visited Pages from Mobile Top 10

Your most visited pages from a mobile device

Most Exited Pages Top 10

Users tend to stop browsing and leave after these pages

Search Overview

Overview of your search performance, including impressions and clicks for on-site search terms.

Impressions and Clicks

Detailed view of your site’s performance based on search engine impressions and user clicks.

Organic Search Countries

Track where organic search traffic is coming from, with country-based performance breakdowns.

Organic Search Device Category

Insights into the devices users are on when accessing your site through organic search.

Demographics Overview

An overview of Demographics and Geography including, country, city, age and gender of your visitors

Age Performance

Performance breakdown of visitors by age brackets

Gender Performance

Performance breakdown of visitors by gender

Audience Performance

Performance breakdown of audience brackets where age gender metrics are taken into consideration together

Interest Performance

Analyze how user interests correlate with their engagement and purchase behaviors.

Day and Time Performance

On what day and which hours visitors are more likely to visit your website

Geo Top Countries & Cities

See where your users are located, highlighting the top-performing countries and cities.

Events Performance Overview

Events are set to understand user interactions with content. Let’s see how your events performed this period

Events List

Your Top events by event category

Event Pages / URL

These are the pages where users mostly interacted with content hence with an event. Let’s check out your top-performing pages in terms of events

Conversion Events

Overview of key conversion events, including detailed metrics on performance and trends.

Campaigns Top 10

Your top-performing campaigns


Here are some insights that we have found and recommendations on how to solve them and grow your audience

Data Table

A look back at your previous months’ numbers

Web Analytics Glossary

Web Analytics Glossary

Web Analytics Glossary

Web Analytics Glossary


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