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Getting Started
Step-by-step instructions on how to use Slidebeast for starters
Details about workspace, user roles & permissions.
What's a Workspace?A central hub within Slidebeast, a workspace efficiently manages reports, templates, and organizes brand reporting.
Create a WorkspaceInitiate the process by creating a workspace tailored to your specific needs and brand management requirements.
User Roles and PermissionsNavigate user roles and permissions to effectively manage access and control within your workspace and reporting ecosystem.
The Significance of Including Your Time ZoneWhy Setting Your Time Zone in Slidebeast Matters for Accurate Data Analysis and Engagement Strategies.
Connecting your data sources and creating your first report.
Connect Your Accounts to SlidebeastLink your accounts to Slidebeast for seamless data integration and enhanced reporting capabilities.
Create Your First ReportStart by crafting your first report using Slidebeast's simple interface.
Schedule ReportSet up automated scheduling for your reports to ensure timely delivery and efficient data communication.