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Google Analytics Glossary

Explore the Google Analytics glossary to familiarize yourself with key terms and concepts for effective data analysis.

Gulce Gumrukcu avatar
Written by Gulce Gumrukcu
Updated over a week ago




Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.

Users & Behaviour

Content Grouping

Content Grouping lets you group content into a logical structure that reflects how you think about your site or app, and then view and compare aggregated metrics by group name in addition to being able to drill down to the individual URL, page title, or screen name.

Users & Behaviour


Google Analytics records an entrance for each page that a user begins a new session on. So the number of entrances given for a specific page shows how many users began their session with that page.

Users & Behaviour

New visitor

Visitors who have reached a site for the first time. This is important in comparison with return visitors as an indication of loyalty and site value.

Users & Behaviour


The instance of an Internet user visiting a particular page on a site. A pageview is recorded whenever a full page of your website is viewed or refreshed.

Users & Behaviour

Pageviews per visit

The average number of page views per visit over a given time period.

Users & Behaviour

Unique view

A unique view, as seen in the Content Overview report, aggregates views that are generated by the same user during the same session. A unique pageview represents the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times.

Users & Behaviour


A user is a visitor who has initiated a session on your website.
The moment a person lands on any page of your site, they are identified as either a new or returning user.

Users & Behaviour

Average session duration

The total duration of all sessions (in seconds) / number of sessions. Individual session duration is calculated differently depending on whether there are engagement hits on the last page of a session.

Traffic Quality

Average Time on Page

Average time on a page is simply the average amount of time all users spend on a single page.

Traffic Quality


The point at which an activity or response to a call to action fulfills the desired outcome (i.e. subscribing to a newsletter or purchasing a product).

Traffic Quality

Direct referral

Visits to a site by visitors who typed a website’s URL directly into their browser. This also refers to the visitors who clicked on links saved as bookmarks or untagged links within emails.

Traffic Quality

Display Referrals

This traffic found your site by clicking on an ad that you ran on another website.

Traffic Quality

Entry page

The first page that a visitor arrives at on a website from another domain.

Traffic Quality


In search engine optimization, the particular word or phrase describes the contents of a web page. Keywords serve as clues or shortcuts that summarize the content of a page and help search engines match pages with searches.

Traffic Quality

Landing Page

A landing page is the first page viewed in a session.

Traffic Quality

Link referrals

A count of all referrals from links on other websites (that does not search engines or social networks) during a selected time period

Traffic Quality

Organic search

Describes a search that generates results that are not paid advertisements.

Traffic Quality

Organic Traffic

The term organic traffic refers to all visits to your website that are triggered by unpaid search results.

Traffic Quality

Pages per Session

Pages per session are the average number of pages a person views in a given session.

Traffic Quality


Making a web page available under more than one URL address. Redirecting too many of a website’s pages to other pages wastes crawler resources and can result in lower search engine performance.

Traffic Quality


Visitors referred by links on other websites

Traffic Quality

Social referrals

A count of all referrals from social networks during a selected time period.

Traffic Quality

Unique visitor

The number of distinct individuals who request pages from a website during a specific period, no matter how many times they visit.


Broken link

A broken hyperlink that no longer points to its original destination. Broken links undermine user experience, waste resources of search engine crawlers, and can affect a website’s placement in search engines.

Technical Matters

Crawler error

The inability of a crawler to view or index pages on a website

Technical Matters


A crawler is a program that visits websites and reads their pages and information in order to create entries for a search engine index

Technical Matters

Dead-end page

Pages that include no links and require a visitor to click the back button in order to stay on a website. Dead-end pages make it difficult for visitors to navigate a website and, as a result, visitors may be more inclined to exit the site.

Technical Matters

Duplicate content

When multiple URLs serve the same page. Duplicate content across different URLs on a website leads to poor placement in search results because they waste search engine resources by collecting and processing identical content. Common types of duplicate pages are printable or text-only versions of the main page or redirects to login pages intended for your site’s visitors that also return a “You must log in” page to crawlers.

Technical Matters

Meta tags

A tag (a coding statement) in the HTML that describes some aspect of the contents of a webpage

Technical Matters


The name of a text file that is uploaded to a website’s director and linked in the HTML code of the website. Used to provide instructions about a website to crawlers and spiders. A robots.txt file can also be used to restrict access by crawlers to your entire website or areas of your website. It can prevent search engines from indexing forms, duplicate content, and other pages that shouldn’t be indexed and may compromise the performance of a website.

Technical Matters

Avg. Search Depth

The average number of pages people viewed after performing a search.

Site Search

Avg. Search Depth Definition

The number of pages viewed after performing a search.

Site Search


Also called a page hit, the retrieval of any item (image, page) from a web server

Site Search

Results Pageviews / Search

Pageviews of search result pages / Total Unique Searches

Site Search

Search Depth

The number of pages viewed after performing a search.

Site Search

Search Destination Paye

The page that users visited after performing an internal search on the site.

Site Search

Search Exits

The number of searches made immediately before leaving the site.

Site Search

Search Refinements

The number of times a user searched again immediately after performing a search.

Site Search

Search Start Page

The page where users initiated an internal search.

Site Search

Sessions with Search

The number of sessions that used your site's search function at least once.

Site Search

Site Search

Site Search lets you understand the extent to which users took advantage of your site's search function, which searches terms have been entered, and how effectively the search results created deeper engagement with your site.

Site Search

Time after Search

The average time (in seconds) users, after searching, spent on the property.

Site Search

Time after Search

The number of time users spends on your site after performing a search.

Site Search

Total Unique Searches

The total number of times your site search was used. This excludes multiple searches on the same keyword during the same session.

Site Search

Exit page

The page intended to identify the beginning of the user experience resulting from a defined marketing effort. In other words, a landing page is a standalone web page that has been designed for a single objective.

Site Content

Low word count

When a page has little or no text. Low word counts often receive poor placement in search results.

Site Content

Minutes per visit

The average length of a visit to a website during a selected time period.

Site Content

Unique Pageviews

A unique pageview represents the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times.

Site Content

Average Position

The average ranking of your website URLs for the query or queries.

Search Console

Click through

A click on a link that leads to another website or section of a website

Search Console

Click-through rate

CTR is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR.

Search Console

Visits by country

Visits to a website over a selected time period, broken down by the country of the visitor.

Search Console

Avg Domain Lookup Time

The average time (in seconds) spent in DNS lookup for this page.

Paid Speed

Avg Page Download Time

The average time (in seconds) to download this page.

Paid Speed

Avg Page Load Time

The average amount of time (in seconds) it takes that page to load, from initiation of the pageview (e.g., click on a page link) to load completion in the browser.

Paid Speed

Avg Server Connection Time

The average time (in seconds) spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page.

Paid Speed

Avg Server Response Time

The average time (in seconds) the site's server takes to respond to users' requests; this includes the network time from users' locations to the server.

Paid Speed

Top viewed pages

Pages that were most viewed during a selected time period

Paid Speed


The Acquisition section tells you where your visitors originated from, such as search engines, social networks, or website referrals.



Average cost per action (CPA) is calculated by dividing the total cost of conversions by the total number of conversions.


Device Category

The device category allows you to view performance based on the different devices people are using to experience your website.


GA Key Indicators

A Google Analytics KPI is an objectively measurable performance indicator used to monitor, analyze and optimize user behaviors on websites.



Google Analytics tells you your users' interests on other parts of the internet. This will help you identify a more specific target audience, cross or upselling opportunities, better blog content ideas, and more.


New User

People that visit your website for the first time in the selected date range. Since users are based on the Google Analytics tracking code and browser cookies, it’s important to highlight the people who cleared their cookies or accessed your website using a different device since they will be reported as new users.



Per-user means the total count of that metric divided by the cohort size.


Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

A marketing metric that measures the amount of revenue your business earns for each dollar it spends on advertising.


Returning visitor

A visitor who can be identified with multiple visits, through cookies or authentication



The source is one of the four main dimensions (along with medium, campaign, and channel) for reporting and analyzing how people found your website.



Affinity categories are used to reach potential customers to make them aware of your brand or product.


In-Market Segment

The in-Market segment indicates that users are more likely to be ready to purchase products or services in the specified category.


Ad Content

It is the first line of the text for the online Ad campaign.

Google Ads


When someone clicks your ad, like on the blue headline or phone number of a text ad, Google Ads counts that as a click.

Google Ads

Cost per Click (CPC)

Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding means that you pay for each click on your ads.

Google Ads

Display Targeting

It allows you to analyze the performance of your Google Ads campaigns that target the Google Display Network (GDN).

Google Ads


Each time your ad appears on Google or the Google Network, it's counted as one impression.

Google Ads

Paid Keywords

Paid keywords are keywords you bid for inside Google Ads.

Google Ads

Pay per click (cost per click)

A model where a company that has placed an advertisement on a website pays a sum of money to a host website when a user clicks on the advertisement

Google Ads


Placements are locations where your ads can appear on YouTube or the Google Display Network. A placement can be a website or a specific page on a site, a mobile app, video content, or even an individual ad unit.

Google Ads


Remarketing is a feature that lets you customize your display ads campaign for people who have previously visited your site, and tailor your ads (using dynamic remarketing) to these visitors when they browse the web and use apps.

Google Ads

Shopping Campaigns

A Shopping campaign is a campaign type that helps promote your products by giving users detailed product information before they even click your ad.

Google Ads

Technology Section

Tech overview report displays your app or website traffic by your visitor's technology, such as platform, operating system, screen resolution, and app version.

Google Ads

Video Campaigns

Video campaigns allow you to reach and engage with your audience on YouTube and through Google video partners.

Google Ads

Goal Abandonment

Destination (or page-based) goals can be configured to include additional pages leading to a conversion (funnel steps). If somebody views at least one of the funnel steps without converting, they will be considered as abandoning the goal and be included in the goal abandonment metric.

Goal Performance

Goal Completion

When a user converts for a particular goal during a session they’ll be counted as a goal completion. If a goal is completed multiple times during a user’s session, it will only be counted as a single conversion.

Goal Performance

Goal Conversion

A goal conversion takes place when your visitors complete a specific action you are tracking

Goal Performance

Goal conversion rate

the goal conversion rate is calculated as the number of goal conversions divided by the number of sessions, times 100.

Goal Performance

Goal Value

Goal values are a rigid monetary amount assigned to specific, non-eCommerce actions on your website.

Goal Performance

Event Action

Event Action is the name assigned to the type of event you want to track for a particular webpage element.


Event value

Event Value is used to evaluate user interactions with individual site objects or content items.



Events are user interactions with content that can be measured independently from a web page or screen load.


Sessions with Event

The total number of sessions with events.


Unique Events

Unique Events are interactions with content by a single user within a single session that can be tracked separately from pageviews or screen views.


Average Order Value (AOV)

Average order value is measured by dividing the total dollar value of sales by the total number of orders for a given time period.


Buy-to-Detail Rate

The number of products purchased per number of product-detail views.


Cart Abandonment

All the sessions whereby a customer added a product to their cart but didn’t initiate the checkout process.


Cart-to-Detail Rate

The number of how many of your visitors have visited a product page to how many people added it to the basket.


Check-out Behavior

This part helps you to understand how users moved from one step of your checkout funnel to the next, and which step they entered or exited the checkout funnel.


Checkout Abandonment

All the sessions whereby a customer-initiated the checkout process but didn’t actually complete the purchase.



A conversion is reported whenever a user completes a goal or makes a purchase during a session.


Internal Promotion Clicks

The number of clicks on internal promotion.


Internal Promotion CTR

The rate at which users clicked through to view the internal promotion.


Internal Promotion Views

The number of views of an internal promotion.


Internal Promotions

Internal promotions are on-site marketing tools to show offers, discounts, bundles of products.


No Cart Addition

All the sessions whereby customers viewed a product(s) on your website but didn’t add anything to their cart.


No Shopping Activity

All the sessions counted by GA in which no shopping activity was initiated by the customer.


Product List Name

Product List Name is a Dimension in Google Analytics under the Ecommerce section. Product List Name Definition:


Product List Performance

It allows you to track how clusters of products are performing in your online store.


Product Refunds

Total refund amount associated with the product


Product Revenue

The metric represents individual product contributions to total revenue.



The number of units sold in e-commerce transactions.


Refund Amount

Currency amount refunded for a transaction


Return on Investment (ROI)

How much profit you've made from your ads and free product listings compared to how much you've spent on them.



Total revenue from e-commerce transactions; depending on your implementation, this may include tax and shipping.


Revenue Per User

Total revenue divided by the number of users shows the average amount generated for each user.


Sales Conversation

The Sales Conversion Rate measures the effectiveness of your sales team at converting leads into new customers.


Sessions with Add to Card

This is the stage where people add products to your shopping cart.


Sessions with Check-Out

This is the stage where people check out on your site.


Sessions with Product View

This is the stage where people view products on your site.


Sessions with Transactions

This is the stage where people made a purchase on your site.



Total shipping charges for e-commerce transactions.


Shopping Abandonment

Shopping Abandonment is used to describe the situation when a visitor on a web page leaves that page before completing the desired action.


Shopping Behavior Analysis

The Shopping Behavior Analysis report lets you see the number of sessions that included each stage of your purchase funnel, how many sessions continued from one step to the next, and how many abandoned the funnel at each stage.



Total tax charges for e-commerce transactions.



Transaction data is made up of the information collected about each transaction that occurs on your site or app.


Transation Value

Transaction value measures how much, on average, customers are spending on each purchase.


Unique Purchases

Unique Purchases is the total number of times a specified product (or set of products) was a part of a transaction



Also called a unique visitor; an individual visiting a website during a period of time



The number of times a site is visited, no matter the number of unique visitors that make up those sessions


Related links

Other sites that are related to the site you are interested in. Related sites may receive traffic from similar keywords, have a similar audience, or are frequently cited together on web pages.



The period of time a user is active on your site or app. By default, if a user is inactive for 30 minutes or more, any future activity is attributed to a new session. Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes are counted as part of the original session.

Users & Behaviour

Anchor text

Text that appears highlighted in a hyperlink can be clicked to open a webpage. Search engines use anchor text to help decide what the linked page is about. Links on a website should have a descriptive, keyword-rich anchor text that describes the destination page in order to improve search performance.


A text file is placed on a visitor’s computer while browsing a website. Cookies are used to track returning visitors

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